24 August 2008

Challenge your mind

1- Banyak-banyak bas, bas apa yang pandai?

2- Banyak-banyak mi, mi apa yang boleh makan dengan ais?

3- Ahmad bin Abu, kambing bin apa?

4- Apa perbezaan lampu stadium dengan lampu bilik?

5- Bagaimana nak bezakan ikan betina dengan ikan jantan?

Please answer in the shout box, thank you :D

21 August 2008

Award Presentation for Form 1, 2 and 4 students

Prize given to Form1 student

Form 2B Ahmar

Form 4A Abyadh-the winner of Form 4 students

p/s: Congratulation to all participants especially the winners, and thank you for your cooperation :)

20 August 2008

15thAugust; cleaning campaign

"Where should we put this paper?" *thinking*

Lunch time with the ayamku hee xD

14 August 2008

Tomorrow's activity

Tomorrow we'll be having our activity at school, so PRS members and the sirs, the teachers, please come :D

And and, there will be a surprise party for Ijla's mom. Happy advance bday! :)

I'll post the pix and reports soon. Thank you for supporting us. Salam

2 August 2008

Meeting- 2nd August

Sport day @ MD

Cleaning campaign & barbeque @ PRS room

Visit to Pusat Ehsan, Bengkurong